
Life on the Farm: Cave Hill Noel

Cave Hill Noel

Christmas on the dairy. On the dairy, Christmas is not much different than most days. We still get up early, milk the cows, feed the animals, clean the barns and make sure everything is taken care of for the day. Every Christmas is supposed to play out the same, but two years ago, we had a l little gift on the farm. 

 Two years ago, a little heifer named Cave Hill Noel was born on Christmas Day. It was a normal Christmas on the farm. We arrived at work half an hour early so we could get everything done and enjoy a few hours of down time at home. Every year, we wait to open presents until the farm chores are done. The farm chores are the simple milking, feeding, cleaning, and cattle checking. Two years ago we went to check on the cows and one of the cows was in labor. She was having some complications and needed some help. Dad and I assisted, and we ended up with a healthy happy baby girl. I named her Noel since it was Christmas.

 She was born around 4:45 in the morning. By the time I finished milking (around nine in the morning), she was running around and causing mischief wherever she could.She knocked over buckets, got into places she shouldn’t have been, and was running around licking and pulling on everything. At one point, she pulled down a wreath we hung up on the office door. Once the wreath was down, she proceeded to walk into the office where I was attempting to do paperwork. She tried to help, but she didn’t know how to read or write.

The most mischievous event was when she got into the Christmas cookies. Every year, I make cookies for the guys at the farm. That year was no different. I had left them on the desk in the office with a sign the read, “Merry Christmas! Take as many as you want!”. Before any of us could enjoy a homemade holiday cookie, Little Noel busted into the office. Typically, calves do not eat cookies. They will lick them and smell them, but usually they just walk away. Not Noel. She proceeded to eat the cookies and scatter them around the floor. Pretty soon, my dogs were enjoying the cookies as well. I have to admit, it was kind of funny to walk around the corner and see two black dogs and a white calf with green icing all over their faces. 

 Cave Hill Noel came into the world with assistance, but quickly showed all of us herspunky attitude and the miracle of Christmas. She was mischievous and full of life. She brought about a new outlook to Christmas and some fun to a wonderful holiday. Calves on Christmas are always entertaining and enjoyable. Cave Hill Noel was no difference. This year, she is due to have her own baby on Christmas. Merry Christmas from all of us at the Farm!

by Courtney Henderson and photo by Courtney Henderson