Local GovernmentNews

Ludington running for Amsterdam Supervisor seat on May 1st in Republican Fire House Primary

Jim Ludington

 I’m Jim Ludington, and I’m running for the Amsterdam District seat on the Board of Supervisors.  I’m a native Virginian and long-time resident of Botetourt County.  I’m a strong supporter of the U.S. Constitution, including the 2nd Amendment.  As a history professor specializing in early America I understand the American founding and the constitutional principles on which it was established. 

   The founders designed our government to be small and restrained at all levels.  This was to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people, as Abraham Lincoln described it eighty-seven years later.  But as decades passed those who were elected to serve gradually began to rule.  After many years Americans have come to accept government rule as the norm.  I don’t.  I’ve studied those founding documents, and I know their intent.  We are to be citizens, not subjects.

   I realize that Botetourt County’s government is not trying to make us subjects.  But the radical government of Virginia is.  The progressive regime under Ralph Northam is moving quickly to change our commonwealth into a socialist state.  Individually we have little control over Northam and his minions, but together we have the power of 33,000+ citizens in Botetourt County.  If our supervisors will realize this and provide the leadership, we can push back against the radical laws being passed in Richmond.

   When Governor Northam tried to pass strict gun control laws in 2019, hundreds of Botetourt men and women attended a Board of Supervisors’ meeting and demanded that we declare ourselves a “2nd Amendment Sanctuary.”  Soon after that, the worst of the gun bills were tabled for the year.  Coordinating with other counties, we the people changed the outcome of the radicals in Richmond.  But I wondered why Botetourt citizens had to insist that the Board of Supervisors pass that resolution.  Why didn’t they see the need? 

   I’m running for a seat on the Board because I want to be a voice and a vote that will work toward maintaining our freedoms, and that includes freedom from excessive taxation at the county level.  I want to improve our county’s vision, to see beyond Daleville and Fincastle.  Congressman Tip O’Neill taught us that “all politics is local.”  It all starts here.  Let’s go to work.  

   The primary will be held at Lord Botetourt High School on Saturday, May 1, between 3:00 and 6:00 PM.  I’d be honored to have your vote.

— Submitted by Jim Ludington for Amsterdam Supervisor