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LBHS FFA in Crunch heard ’round the Commonwealth

Lord Botetourt FFA members celebrated Virginia Farm to School week by taking part in the “Crunch Heard ‘Round the Commonwealth”. This was a campaign that was sponsored by the Virginia Department of Education where the goal was to get as many people as possible to take a bite out of an apple at exactly 10:00 am.  The Lord Botetourt FFA member took this opportunity to hold their annual apple butter making and at exactly 10:00 am 30 FFA members gathered around the apple butter kettle and all took a bite out of an apple. FFA members spent the day making apple butter as classes participated students learned about the process preserving various types of farm products. This apple butter will be on sale at Ikenberry Orchards on Saturday October 13.  We would like to thank Ikenberry’s Orchards for the donation of the apples and helping to make this event possible.

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) is encouraging schools, businesses and community members across the commonwealth to celebrate Virginia Farm to School Week, October 2-6. The farm-to-school program helps connect schools with local food producers to purchase fresh, healthy food items for availability in school cafeterias and at early childhood education centers.

The Virginia Farm to School Week coincides with National Farm to School Month. In 2010, Congress declared October National Farm to School Month, recognizing the important role farm to school plays in promoting well-being among children and strong local economies.