
Success between horse and veteran at New Freedom Farm

Horse and Veteran: Bonded Through Rehabilitation

Botetourt County, VA – On Saturday, January 8th at 12 pm at New Freedom Farm, Inc., Cole, a rehabilitated horse, will be presented to the veteran who helped rehabilitate him, Sgt. Clint Cash. Named after the USS Cole, Cole first arrived at New Freedom Farm on Memorial Day of 2021 after being rescued from a cockfighting ring by Harmony Farm Sanctuary. At the time, Cole had a fear of people and didn’t know how to receive love. With New Freedom Farm’s mission of helping veterans facing PTSD, TBI, and other conditions through interactions with equines, this was the perfect place for Cole to heal from his traumatic past. 

Since arriving at New Freedom Farm, Cole developed an immediate bond with Sgt. Cash who had served in the Army for 4 years and was involved with the farm. Sgt. Cash has faced struggles since returning from war, and the two understood each other. Sgt. Cash has worked with Cole, and he has made so much progress. Cole went from not being able to be touched to enjoying human interaction.

New Freedom Farms, Inc. has decided to make Cole a permanent resident at New Freedom Farm as a result of the strong bond with veteran Sgt. Cash. This Saturday, Sgt. Cash will be presented with this as a surprise, along with a special New Freedom Farms, Inc. coat that he earned through his hard worsubmitted by Lois Fritts and New Freedom Farm

–Submitted by Lois Fritts, photo by angels of Assisi