
Exit 162 may have a Truck Stop of sorts in the future

It is possible that a truck stop – or a convenience store that could accommodate more than 50 tractor trailers – may be coming to Exit 162, if details can be worked out at a future date.

The Board of Supervisors tabled a request for a new zoning ordinance, “Convenience Store, Highway” after discussion with planning officials during the Board’s November 23, 2021 meeting. Amsterdam District Supervisor Steve Clinton and Blue Ridge District Supervisor Billy Martin both expressed concerns about the text amendment proposal.

Buchanan Crossing, LLC and Kourtney P. Hurd asked the Board to consider amendments that would create a new use category in the zoning code. The new category would allow for a convenience store that provides high-flow commercial diesel dispensers for the fueling of commercial vehicles and parking spaces for large vehicles and/or commercial trucks. At one point, a zoning official said preliminary plans called for 57 slots for tractor trailer use. The zoning official also said the property in question was near Exit 162 off of Interstate 81.

Paperwork provided with the proposed amendment noted that the applicants were asking for a convenience store with alcohol and tobacco sales, a restaurant, drive-in self-service auto fueling, electric charging stations, a car wash, and on-site parking, operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

“It’s a euphemism to say it’s a convenience store,” Clinton said after listening to the planning office’s presentation. “It’s pretty intensive use and it fails as just a convenience store.”

Clinton motioned to table the matter and Martin seconded it. The project is expected to be brought back before the Supervisors at a later date.

                                                                                          — Anita Firebaugh, Special to The Botetourt Bee