Local GovernmentNews

Letter to Editor from Steve Clinton

Steve Clinton

Dear Editor,

Botetourt is in an excellent position as we emerge from the pandemic. Our economy is growing, with more than $200 million in new investment and 900 new jobs in the past four years. Sound management practices and deliberate decisions have positioned us for new levels of prosperity.

To benefit from the coming resurgence, our county requires leadership that is experienced, engaged, and forward-looking. These are qualities that I have brought to the Supervisor’s job for many years, and that I will bring for the next four years.

That’s why I am running for the Republican nomination for the Amsterdam seat on the Board.

I propose Five Priorities to cultivate the opportunities before us. These Priorities are:

  • Support the Good Life
  • Apply Balanced Growth Principles
  • Promote Economic Prosperity
  • Partner with Schools for Excellence
  • Preserve and Protect Our Historic Heritage

I will pursue those Priorities by using conservative principles of limited government, low taxation, and free market capitalism.

You can review the details of my Five Priorities at the listing in today’s Fincastle Herald, or at Steve Clinton, County Supervisor/Facebook.

In summary, I bring dedication, experience, sound judgment, and foresight to the Supervisor’s position. I have been, and always will be, responsive, approachable, and focused on important issues.

Please come to LBHS between 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm on Saturday, May 1. Vote for me so that together we can keep Botetourt County flourishing.

Steve Clinton,

Amsterdam District Representative, Botetourt County Board of Supervisors

One thought on “Letter to Editor from Steve Clinton

  • Mary Smith Fochtman

    I believe in Steve Clinton.

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