
The future of area high school sports this winter and spring hangs in the balance of Covid-19

Tanner Selkirk of LBHS just signed to play basketball on the next level

Return to play criteria from the Roanoke City Allegheny Health District hangs the participation of high school sports this winter and spring in a precarious balance due to the Covid-19 criteria. Seven School Superintendents including Botetourt’s Dr. Jonathan Russ have signed an agreement to abide by the RCAHD criteria. Student athlete parents here in the county are taking issue as not all districts are participating in the same criteria.

Here are some thoughts of Todd Selkirk whose son plays basketball for Lord Botetourt. Tonight a group of 25 parents are meeting with media at Ashley Plantation Club parking lot to talk with the media. To keep the group under 25 per group gathering restrictions, The Botetourt Bee is reporting this ahead of time.

Selkirk said, “Under the current superintendents coalition agreement your child will not have a season this year. I am talking about all sports! The guidelines agreed to by the superintendents make it impossible for our districts to have competition. Unless your superintendent removes the district from the agreement you will not have baseball, basketball, football, soccer or any other sport. Write your superintendent and ask him to drop out of the superintendents agreement on sports.” In the photo are the criteria set by the Roanoke City- Allegheny Health District

Here is the agreement the Superintendents signed.

Selkirk has a website of metrics he is quoting per age group. He said, “If you have an athlete in Roanoke County, Roanoke City, , Botetourt, Alleghany, Covington, Salem or Craig County here are your metrics to be able to play.  If you look at the numbers near the bottom you’ll see the Alleghany Health District (which includes Botetourt) has has 2 hospitalizations of 0-19 years olds and 0 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. You may choose your district, and see their numbers in the top left.   I was told, by a member of the health community, that if they don’t change these numbers we probably wont see play until 2022.  Look at your numbers and the pue charts at the bottom.   If you think this our metrics needs to be changed you should reach out to your superintendent and school board members.”

The rub in this, too is the shortened season and what likely will happen if a team member or opponent tests positive. A 10- 14 day quarantine in a 6 week season is going to stop play if a whole team is exposed. Even in wrestling, a grappler has to be out of competition if exposed. The nature of the Covid beast is that quarantine.

Unfortunately, Covid positive tests continue to rise in the RCAHD and with the Christmas holiday and the visits among small groups, the number is likely to rise.

For the athletes, the seasons are hope in an otherwise dark year of firsts. For parents and fans, the Commonwealth of VA under the direction of Gov. Ralph Northam, has already limited fans to a group of 25 and athletes to have two parents per athlete in the stands. Tough times have continued for the past 9 plus months of Covid-19. It is a complex matter for Americans, not just Virginians and one with divided solutions.

More to follow up after the parents meeting.

–Cathy Benson with Todd Selkirk. Photo from Selkirk family and Roanoke County School Division PDF on criteria