
Letter to Editor for Operation Christmas Child

October 2, 2020  

Dear Editor, 

 Each year, our neighbors pack shoebox gifts that are delivered to children in need around the world to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way.  For many of these children, the gift-filled shoebox is the first gift they have ever received.  Anyone can pack a shoebox!  Individuals, families, churches and groups fill empty shoeboxes with school supplies, hygiene items and fun toys, such as dolls or soccer balls.  A regular shoebox can be used, or you may contact us and we will provide a pre-printed one.  Once your shoebox is packed, it can be tracked with a ‘Follow Your Box’ label. 

You will receive an email letting you know to which country your shoebox was delivered.  A personal note (and photo) can be included with your gift.  Very often, the children will treasure those notes as much as the gifts.  

Once the shoeboxes are packed, they are collected locally at Mill Creek Baptist, 11475 Lee Hwy, Fincastle, and Bonsack Baptist, 4845 Cloverdale Rd, Roanoke.  National Collection week will occur November 16-23, 2020.  Those dropping off shoeboxes will remain in their vehicle while volunteers wearing masks and gloves handle the boxes.   

 From our area, the boxes will go to one of eight processing centers where they will be prayed over and prepared for overseas shipment.  The shoebox gifts go by plane and freighter to over 160 countries, and then continue their journey by truck or helicopter, and sometimes by camel or elephant, to their final destination.  There, trained pastors and community leaders distribute the gifts to the very excited children.  

  This year, maybe more than ever, children of the world need to know that God loves and sees them! A shoebox full of simple gifts, packed with love, can deliver that. It may seem like an impossible task during COVID but as Edward Graham (grandson of Billy Graham) said of Operation Christmas Child 2020, “We are well placed to be a part of a miracle.”  It is my hope that, despite the chaos of COVID, 2020  will be remembered as the year that more shoeboxes than ever were packed from our area and that you will choose to be a part of that miracle!  Please visit for more details and feel free to contact one of us for more information. 

You will also be able to pick up a shoebox at some local businesses in both Covington and Clifton Forge beginning this month. And lastly, if you are on Facebook, please look for our group page:  Alleghany Highlands/Western VA Area OCC.    

  Thank you, 

 Laurie Fitzgerald area coordinator,

540.968.1724 Michele Kahle media support, 540.958.5947 

Operation Christmas Child www.samaritanspurse.orgSAMARITANSPURSE.ORGOperation Christmas Child