Photos from the 250th Anniversary kick-off on Feb. 1
Brent Watts, MCColor Guard Troop 211 Boy Scouts Billy Martin Del. Terry Austin Rising Mount Zion and Lapsley Run choirs Bo Trumbo Lauren Rakes Happy Birthday! Anita Firebaugh The Committee co-chairs Windy Wingo, Donna Vaughn, Lois Switzer and Angela Coon with the magazine and the editor, Anita Firebaugh Rena Worthen and Carolyn Wiley
It was a great day on Feb. 1, 2020 several hundred people came out to begin the year long celebration of the 250th Anniversary of Botetourt County. The event took place at Lord Botetourt High School.
FFA mmbers from the high schools acted as Ushers, stories were told, congratulations from all around.
The music Troutville-Cloverdale Choirs, Rising Mount Zion, Lapsley run Baptist Church and a new song just for the event by David Austin and Friends. We have another story with the link so check it out!
Kudos to the speakers Billy Martin, Gary Larrowe, Rep. Ben Cline and Terry Austin and Keynote speaker Bo Trumbo.
Brent Watts was an able master of Ceremonies.
Lauren Rakes designed h the 250th seal.
Anita Firebaugh edited a terrific 250th anniversary magazine, which is free to the first 7,000 people! Get one– you will learn a lot!
Many hands took part in the making of the event. Numerous displays were held in the school cafeteria as well as cake and punch.
A big thank you and a Huzzah to the 250th Committee Co-Chairs, Donna Vaughn, Angela Coon, Wendy Wingo and Lois Switzer.
If you click on the 250th banner ad on the top of all of our web story pages, it will take you right to the list of events planned for the year!
Happy Birthday! Botetourt!
Hello. I’m curious where/how I might obtain a copy of the 250th anniversary magazine.
They will be in the public libraries by the end of the week!