Endorsement letter for Billy Martin for Blue Ridge Supervisor for June 11

Dear Editor,
Taxpayers know that Blue Ridge Supervisor Billy Martin will always be in their corner during budget discussions. Billy has been a faithful steward of Botetourt’s tax dollars and as conservative Republican knows it is critical that government only take the tax dollars necessary to effectively provide core functions. That is why Billy Martin has consistently stood with working families and against unnecessary tax increases.
Billy Martin has also led the fight for families against unfair water rate increases. Billy has gone all the way to the State Corporation Commission in Richmond to successfully get relief from unfair rate increases for Botetourt families.
Billy Martin has a servant’s heart forged by his devout Christian faith. As an Air Force veteran, a Rescue Squad member, Sunday School Superintendent, Postmaster, and now as Blue Ridge Supervisor – Billy has always faithfully served our community. I hope Botetourt citizens that vote at Colonial Elementary School or Rainbow Forest Baptist Church will vote for Billy Martin on Tuesday, June 11 so Billy can keep faithfully serving our community and fighting for hardworking families.
David Suetterlein, Virginia Senate