
Stritesky one of 3 Sheriff’s candidates at Lion’s Club at Buchanan Theatre on May 7

Republican candidate Lt. Jeff Stritesky

Jeff Stritesky joined 3 of the 4 candidates for sheriff (William Stowell and Mike Vineyard) at the Lion’s Club Candidate Forum in Buchanan, Tuesday evening. Jeff shared his desire to be the next sheriff to the people of the county, by “being transparent” and community focused. He spoke of his leadership experience, his passion for student safety and his desire to hear from community members about issues important to them. Backing his plans with statistics and internal knowledge of the Botetourt County Sheriff’s Office, Jeff answered preselected questions posed by Lion’s Club facilitators, as well as audience questions, to the crowded theater. Citizen concerns about speeding, opioids, deputy and patrol coverage in Buchanan, school shootings and more were discussed. Jeff encourages all voters of Botetourt County to vote in the primary on June 11th, at their local precinct, or by absentee ballot if eligible. He invites any citizen who wishes to talk to call him at 540-855-8675.

Submitted by Stritesky for Sheriff