
Find in the attic touches 20th century history

Carrie Thompson said, ” You cannot beat what you find in the attic.” Indeed, she came across newspapers from 20th century history clearing out the attic of her rental home so insulation could be added in the attic this week.

She found 10-12 bags worth of trash and in yet another corner, perfectly preserved copies of the Fincastle Herald and two versions of the same event with The Roanoke Times and The World-News– the morning and evening editions of the current The Roanoke Times.

“Someone went to trouble to take care of them,” she said.

The Fincastle Herald covered the fire that destroyed much of the the Fincastle court house in Dec. 1969 and two of the Roanoke papers covered July 20, 1969 the first man on the moon. Another paper dealt with Dwight Eisenhower, and called him ” Ike.”

Thompson, who is in the millennial age group was thrilled with the papers. “I sat down and began to read them. My favorite part really, was the little community sections inside of the Herald, where people had guests and even talked about going on a walk.” She was amazed by the current events writing of what would become local and national history by the time she was born and in school.

The Fincastle papers came to a RFD address with a box number. Terry Saunders was the addressee. Thompson said she thought she might try to donate the newspapers to the library or some where to be preserved.

She felt it was definitely worth clearing out an attic to get to read them!

–Story by Cathy Benson. Photo by Carrie Thompson