Supervisors quizzed VDOT about Fieldstone stoplight in Botetourt

The new stoplight at Fieldstone and Roanoke Rd was a subject of discussion with the VDOT representative Blevins in his regular time slot at the Board of Supervisors meeting on Dec. 19, 2023. Supervisors Bailey, Clinton and White addressed the situation. The stoplight was paid for by the Developer of the apartment complex at Fieldstone. Blevins noted it was done to VDOT specification by the developer’s engineer. (Sheriff Matt Ward sent out a press release the week previous about the approach southbound on Roanoke Rd toward Ikenberry’s market in Daleville. Ed.Note: We’ve seen The Sheriff’s Office is patrolling the area for speeders since the meeting.) Though flashing lights and reduced speed signage is up, the three supervisors expressed concern that enough stop time might not be adequate due to the blind curve, creating an unsafe situation. Blevins waved off the concern adding that until 30 days passes from the beginning of the light’s operation, VDOT doesn’t have ownership and the developer is responsible.
Amy White acting as Chairman, due to Mac Scothorn being absent, queried Blevins about adding rumble strips to the approach. Blevins remarked they don’t do that and she cited a place in Rockbridge County that does have the strips. The discussion at least let the Supervisors air their concern about the stoplight. In a previous meeting, they approved studying the roads from Greenfield Roanoke Rd, across the county to Rt 11 intersection at Exit 150, Cloverdale Rd through to US 460 in Blue Ridge.
I don’t think a developer should have the right to put a light on a county road in the first place. What’s next? Are they going to decide the speed limit out there next?