BOS approved Rezoning of 51.5 acres to A-1 in Daleville near Orchard Lakes subdivision

A request to rezone 51 acres that is adjacent to The Glebe and Orchard Lake subdivision received the nod from the Board of Supervisors at the November 28, 2023 meeting. The Board met at the Botetourt County Administration Center at Greenfield in Amsterdam.
J W & Suzanne I Rhoades, Linda I Shiotani, and et al asked to rezone 51.504 acres from the Residential (R-1) Use District to the Agricultural (A-1) Use District, with possible proffered conditions. The property is located at and adjacent to 90 Orchard Lake Drive and identified as tax parcels 87-159; 87-161A & 87-161C.
The proposal divided the property into twelve lots, eleven of which would be sold. The rezoning allows the property to utilize wells and septic systems instead of residential water. During discussion, planning officials noted that in order to get sewer lines into the property, a developer would have to add a pump station. That would be an expensive proposition, officials said.
The rezoning also allows for a private road into the property. Amsterdam District Supervisor Steve Clinton objected to the use of private roads but did not vote against the project.
The parcels would range from 3 to 6 acres and the Supervisors placed conditions on the land use that would allow for “home agriculture” uses only. That means that owners could have a few chickens and a garden, but no large agriculture animals such as cattle, horses, or goats.
Several neighbors spoke in favor of the project, saying that they did not want more homes built in the area and preferred the more agricultural nature of the proposal and the larger lots.
The Supervisors unanimously approved the rezoning and the project.
Anita Firebaugh, Special to The Botetourt Bee
Photo: Botetourt Rural Icon file photo