
National Suicide Prevention Week is Sept.9-16

Suicide Prevention Council of Roanoke Valley and Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare would like everyone to know
National Suicide Prevention Week is September 9-15, 2018.
 Suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15 to 24-year-olds
 It is estimated that 5.1 million living Americans have attempted to kill themselves
September is National Suicide Prevention Month. National Suicide Prevention Week is September 9 -15,
2018. The Suicide Prevention Council of Roanoke Valley (SPCRV) and Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare
(BRBH) believe we need to focus on suicide prevention every day and throughout the year. We can do this by continuously spreading awareness, being kind, and helping to educate others on things like
resources and warning signs.
SPCRV is sponsoring many activities throughout Suicide Prevention Month including many different
training programs: safeTALK suicide alertness training; Adult & Youth Mental Health First Aid and ASIST
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training. (See calendar and descriptions attached)
Suicide Prevention Week will culminate with an exclusive free showing of the award winning documentary, Suicide: the Ripple Effect. The story of Kevin Hines will be shown at the Grandin Theater at 9:30 am Friday, September 14, 2018. There will be a panel discussion by local professionals with
expertise in suicide intervention and prevention.
If you need help:
Call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones,
and best practices for professionals.
Text CONNECT to 741741 Crisis Text Line free, 24/7 support for those in crisis, connecting people in crisis to trained Crisis Counselors. The Crisis Text Line helps people move from a hot moment to a cool
calm, guiding you to create a plan to stay safe and healthy.
I–submitted by Ray Bemis, BRBHC