
Citizen Group forms supporting BCPS CIP funding in county budget

Citizen Group Forms in Support of Botetourt County Public Schools Funding Request

The Coaliton for Public Funding of the Botetourt County Public Schools (BCPS) Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) invites all interested citozens of Botetourt County to join our group. More information about our group, including options for involvement, can be found on our homepage at .

We plan to publicly support the school division’s FY24 CIP funding request during the budget process. If fulfilled, the requested funds will be used to begin to address deferred maintenance of the faciliƟes. Without these funds, building improvements and modernizaƟon will continue to be delayed. Let’s join together to fund Botetourt Schools and bring positive change to our community!

Respond to:

There is a letter on the website that citizens in support may of the CIP. Maintaining the aging school buildings which are part of the largest real estate holdings by the county, has been delayed for years.

Submitted by Coalition for Public Funding for BCPS CIP