Other items at the October Board of Supervisors meeting

The Board of Supervisors heard a number of small items during its October 25, 2022 meeting.
Deputy County Administrator David Moorman reported than a problem with lack of emergency communication inside Colonial Elementary School was in the process of being eliminated within the next few weeks. The cost to ensure that emergency services radios work in the school was $76,000.
Sheriff Matt Ward reported that his office had received a grant of $47,000 for another school resource officer. This position would be placed at Breckinridge Elementary School and meant that all but one school in the county would have an officer on school grounds when classes are in session.
Botetourt County and Visit Virginia’s Blue Ridge received a tourism grant in the amount of $60,000. The money would be used to bring visitors from out of the area to take advantage of the county’s many walking and hiking trails as well as activities on the James River.
The supervisors also:
- approved a resolution recognizing November 26, 2022 as Small Business Saturday. The national initiative promotes local shopping.
- accepted a Virginia Association of Counties (VACO) award for Botetourt County Fire & EMS in the public safety category. The county’s emergency services teams stepped up during the Covid pandemic and initiated a vaccination program to reach elderly and disabled individuals who otherwise may not have obtained the vaccination.
- reappointed Mary Bess Smith and John E. Alderson, Jr., to the Botetourt County Economic Development Board.
— Anita Firebaugh, Special to The Botetourt Bee