BOCO Fire and EMs announce Summer Safety tips

Botetourt Fire & EMS is Encouraging Everyone to Practice Summer Safety in 2022
“Know the Facts. Know How to Act.”
Summer Safety
June 1, 2022 (Botetourt County, VA) – Botetourt Fire & EMS is proud to join the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to promote summer safety by spreading the
word and encouraging resident and the the community to learn the facts and taking steps
now to prepare. Botetourt Fire & EMS is committed to be a leader for emergency
This July, FEMA and the Ready Campaign will be educating the public on heat and
drought preparedness and fireworks safety to ensure everyone is prepared for summer
fun. There were 51 heat-related fatalities in 2020, yet, heat has the highest 10-year
average of deaths per year at 107 fatalities, and the highest 30-year average of any hazard
at 143 fatalities.
During times of extreme heat, many areas may also experience periods of reduced rainfall
or drought. As the summer continues and temperatures rise, there may be an increased
risk of drought in our region. If a drought should occur, it’s important to know what
measure to take to reduce the impact to yourself and property.
Botetourt Fire & EMS is committed to helping the whole community to prepare for a safe
and fun summer
More information on summer hazards can be found at The National Weather Service heat
website at, or the Spanish-language
==submitted by Taylor Lunsford
web site