Lord BotetourtNews

LBHS Football Players are raising money for new uniforms, etc by clearing driveways

Lord Botetourt football players have spent time volunteering out clearing driveways in several subdivisions since Winter Storm Izzy passed though on Sunday. The Cavalier Touchdown Club is raising money for new equipment and uniforms. This includes new helmets and pads. The student athletes have embraced the efforts by providing muscle for donations to the CTC

“Due to Covid the team hasn’t been able to do a fundraiser for 2 years, so the athletes and CTC are playing catch up for those two tyears,” said Sarah Strutt Quesenberry of the CTC.

If you want to make a donation to the effort, go to the Bank of Botetourt and make a donation into the Cavalier Touchdown Club account.

–Cathy Benson, photos by Sarah Strutt Qusenberry

One thought on “LBHS Football Players are raising money for new uniforms, etc by clearing driveways

  • Nicole King

    Proud of our LBHS FB team!

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