Covid Updates in Botetourt from RCAHD Vaccine Clinic tomorrow at FBC

Pop-Up Clinics | We have one last opportunity to get a vaccine in Botetourt before 2022 (this is particularly important if your company falls under the OSHA vaccine mandate). Join us Wed 12/29 from 3 – 6:30pm at Fincastle Baptist. We have all 3 vaccines, boosters and pediatric doses available! I’ve attached the flyer if you don’t mind helping out with some last-minute sharing.
And we will be at Eagle Rock Library on Wed, Jan 12th from 1:30pm – 3:30pm.
Outreach | We had a lovely time in Eagle Rock last week with Feeding SWVA, the Ruritans and LEAP Mobile Market. We will be back in Jan and DownHome Pharmacy will be offering a clinic in Feb! Details to come. Want us to come present info to your church? Community group? PTA? Athletic team? Or maybe set up a table to make appointments? Just ask. We’d love to address any concerns or lingering questions.
Ongoing Clinics | Starting Jan 10th, we will have COVID vaccine available at the Botetourt Health Dept 1st and 3rd weeks along with regular vaccinations. McNair and I will be at the clinics on the 3rd Thurs of each month to answer any and all questions! Find more times and info on the flyer attached – please share *widely*!
Testing | Testing demand is through the roof! We have drive-thru PCR testing at Fincastle Baptist starting in Jan. They will be there from 3pm – 5pm each Thurs – No Appointment Needed. PCR tests are very accurate and results take 24-48hrs. Other testing options are available on the VDH website or call our hotline 540-613-6597.
Any other questions I can answer? Info you need? Let me know. Take care out there! See you in 2022!
Alex Watkins , RCAHD