Local Government

Landfill remains open for the forseeable future

Folks in northern Botetourt won’t have to go to Cloverdale to drop off their trash when the new trash transfer station opens soon. The Board of Supervisors learned at the October 26, 2021 meeting that the county would keep the convenience station at the landfill open for the foreseeable future.

The convenience station is located off Catawba Road just past the cement plant. The convenience station has been in place for over a decade. Deputy County Administrator David Moorman said the current location would remain open to the public. He expected use of the convenience station to decline naturally over time.

The new site in Cloverdale is not yet ready to take trash. When it opens, the county’s garbage haulers would be the first to use it, Moorman said.

                                                                                          — Anita Firebaugh, Special to The Botetourt Bee