FAQ’s from the Botetourt County Director of Elections

Security/Election Integrity
- Botetourt County uses optical scanners manufactured by Elections Systems & Software (ES&S)
- Each state has their own specifications for equipment
- Localities must use equipment that has been certified by the State Board of Elections
- Equipment from same manufacturer does not necessarily have same components as equipment in other states
- Scanners are never connected to the internet (do not have modems or capability to connect)
- No totals are transmitted electronically (not capable without modem)
- Every piece of equipment used in each election is tested prior to every election
- Logic & Accuracy Testing is required by Code of Virginia
- Use test desk of ballots with a pre-determined outcome
- ensures each line of each ballot style is read and tabulated correctly
- each scanner is programmed exclusively for the assigned precinct it will be used in
- checks function of equipment (no paper jams, display, etc.)
- Totals are cleared and a “zero totals tape” is run showing all votes for every office have been cleared
- This same tape is run when the scanner is opened at the precincts
- Equipment is locked and sealed with a numbered seal
- Seal number is recorded on Statement of Results for each precinct
- Seal number is verified by Chief prior to equipment being opened on Election Day
- No totals are pulled until after polls close at 7:00 pm on election night (even for early voting)
- Totals are called into registrar’s office by chief from each precinct and posted on door of precinct
- Totals reported by precincts are entered into the state database by registrar’s office staff on election night
- Usually takes about an hour or so for all precincts to report totals after polls close
- Total write-in totals must be at least 10% or more of the total votes cast for that office and are not calculated or reported until after canvass is completed the day after the election
- Total number of ballots printed for Botetourt County is certified by the printer to the Virginia Department of Elections
- Every ballot must be accounted for to the state after the election indicating their use for training, testing, absentee, in-person early voting or election day voting
- Election Officers are trained prior to every election on the most up to date laws and procedures (required by Code)
Early Voting/Absentee
- Available for all registered Botetourt County voters
- Open Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
- Open Saturday, October 23 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
- Open Saturday, October 30 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
- Deadline for in-person early voting is 5:00 pm on Saturday, October 30
- Applications for a mailed absentee ballot must be received in registrar’s office no later than 5:00 pm on Friday, October 22
- Due to mail delays, voters are encouraged to submit applications as soon as possible and to return their marked ballots as soon as possible as well.
- Marked absentee ballots must be postmarked by Tuesday, November 2nd (election day) and received by registrar’s office by noon on Friday, November 5 to eligible to be counted
- Witness signatures are required for absentee ballots (state is no longer under state of emergency due to a communicable disease)
Returning Absentee Ballots
- Marked absentee ballots can be returned via mail or commercial carrier (UPS, FedEx)
- Marked absentee ballots can be returned to the registrar’s office
- By law, only voter can return their own ballot if handed to registrar’s staff
- Ballots can be put into the drop box opening in the vestibule of the registrar’s office
- vestibule area is recorded by security camera
- Each precinct will have a locked ballot box for the return of marked absentee ballots on Election Day
- Voters who have received an absentee ballot but wish to vote in-person must surrender the mailed absentee ballot when they come to vote
- If ballot is not surrendered, voter must vote a provisional ballot
Election Day Voting
- Voters must present a valid form of identification as stipulated by the Commonwealth of Virginia
- Photo id is no longer required
- Full listing of acceptable forms of identification can be found on the Dept of Elections website (vote.virginia.gov)
- Virginia driver’s license, voter card, passport, military ID are a few examples of acceptable forms of identification
- Voters not possessing a valid form of identification specified by the state are allowed to sign a Statement of Identification affirming their identity by penalty of a felony
- Curbside voting will be available at all precincts for voters who are 65 years old or older or who have a temporary or permanent disability
- Designated areas will be marked off with cones
- Voter can call the posted phone number to alert election officers of their arrival
- Election officers will bring ballot with a privacy folder to vehicle
- Marked ballots can be put into the scanner face up or face down (dual sided scanner)
- Ballots with stray marks or too many candidates marked in one office will be rejected by the scanner for voter’s action
- Voters can surrender spoiled ballot for a replacement or cast the improperly marked ballot and the office in question will not be counted
- Scanner has two counts listed on the screen
- Count on top is the total number of ballots run through that scanner for this election (public count)
- Count under the public count is the total number of ballots run through the scanner since it has been in use (protected count)
- These counts are like the odometer in your car (trip/permanent)
- public count = trip odometer (it can be cleared out)
- protected count = odometer (it continues to increase with use)
- When ballot is placed in scanner, the screen will change momentarily with a “thank you for voting” screen which indicates the ballot was counted
- Voter can miss the screen if they look away as it only displays for a couple of seconds
- Public count and protected count on screen will increase by one
- Polls are open 6:00 am – 7:00 pm on Tuesday, November 2nd
Additional Information
- Sample ballots are on the Botetourt County website (https://botetourtva.gov/your-government/election-information/)
- Voters will need to know their precinct to find correct ballot style
- Six different ballot styles for County (all ballots have governor, lt governor, attorney general and house of delegates)
- Town of Buchanan has 2 seats for Town Council on ballot as well as school board and board of supervisors
- Buchanan District has school board and board of supervisor offices on ballot
- Town of Troutville has 3 seats for Town Council on ballot
- Amsterdam District (Daleville & Greenfield precincts) has school board and board of supervisor offices on ballot
- Voters in Troutville and Cloverdale precincts will need to know if they are in the 17th or 19th House of Delegates districts to determine their ballot
- This can be found on voter card or Department of Elections website (vote.virginia.gov)
- Voters in Blue Ridge District are reminded of the polling location changes that took place in 2020
- Voters who previously voted at the old Colonial Elementary School on Webster Road (Blue Ridge precinct) now vote at Colonial Baptist Church
- Voters who previously voted at Rainbow Forest Baptist Church (Rainbow Forest precinct) now vote at the new Colonial Elementary School
–Traci Spradlin Clark, Voter Registrar
I still think that a picture should be required for voting.