
Substitutes get a pay boost; Nurses and Bus Drivers a bonus

Dr. Womack spoke of next year’s class offerings

At the October 14 School board meeting among itemes approved were the 22-23 academic studies offerings, recognition of

National School Bus Drivers Week and an assortment of other business.

The School Division continues to have problems staffing position. Substitutes, school nurses, aides, cafeteria workers, bus drivers , custodians and maintenance workers are all needed. Drive by Lord Botetourt and see the signns a long the side of the road! Dr. Jonathan Russ introduced a pay increase for substitutues; for degreed subs at $125 per day which is now in line with other divisions like Roanoke County. Nurses and Bus Drivers will be getting a Bonus. The school board approved.

Only a few people spoke to the board this month. A bus driver, a parent addressing the amount of homework and some one grinding an axe towards the Center for Disease Control which has nothing to do with school board business and not in their realm of control.

–Cathy Benson