Hampton Inn Proposed across the road from DTC near Lumos Building

If the Supervisors agree to a text amendment, a four-story Hampton Inn could be constructed near Daleville Town Center on four acres located between Layman Lane and Market Ridge Lane.
The Board of Supervisors heard a request for a text amendment to the Shopping Center (SC) Use District at its September 28, 2021 meeting. The actual change would take place after the Planning Commission has heard the project and approved it in early November. The Supervisors would then hear the item at its November meeting.
The text amendment change to the SC District would increase the maximum height by right from 35 feet to 45 feet, with 60 feet in height available through a Special Exception Permit (SEP).
Jatin Patel is the contract purchase for the parcel on Roanoke Road in Daleville. He proposes to build a Hampton Inn Hotel on the site if the zoning changes are approved.
These changes would apply to all SC Districts within the county, allowing for four-story construction wherever a Shopping Center District is in place.
Apartments in Daleville Town Center are already four-stories high, Nicole Pendleton with the Community Development Office said.
The Supervisors had no comment about the possibility of the hotel or the proposed text amendment change, but agreed to allow the proposal to move forward.
— Anita Firebaugh, Special to The Botetourt Bee