Wendy Rowden to run for 19th District Delegate Seat

Democrat Wendy Rowden of Bedford has filed to oppose the Republican incumbent of the 19th District, Terry Austin, in the upcoming state election to be held on November 2, 2021. She has released the following statement announcing her candidacy and her positions on the many local needs that will be impacted by decisions of the Virginia House of Delegates.
“I am officially announcing my candidacy for the House of Delegates in District 19. It has been a long time since a Democrat has run in the district and I believe all voters should have an opportunity to support someone who shares their values. I value my right to vote and want to make sure that everyone has the same right and the same opportunity to cast their vote for a candidate who will listen, educate themselves on the issues and always tell the truth.
“I have the support of the Competitive Commonwealth Fund which believes that all voters should have a Democratic choice on the ballot on Election Day. I am also supported by the National Women’s Political Caucus – VA which is dedicated to increasing women’s participation in the political process. Bruce Johannessen, a member of the Bedford Town Council, and Bill
Mosley, business leader, also support my campaign.
“I live in the Town of Bedford with my husband and work as a residential property adjuster for a large insurance company. My work takes me around the state where I meet people who have just experienced some sort of calamity and I am able to help them work through the long process of returning to normal.
“The health of the planet is my highest personal priority. While many of the large scale remedies for our carbon problem have to be addressed at a higher level, there are many actions we can take on a local level to help reduce our negative impact on the planet. I want to eliminate Styrofoam take-out containers, stop offering cheap plastic bags at the grocery store and encourage the purchase of water in containers that can be recycled. I would like to see legislation that encourages homeowners and businesses to install solar infrastructure.
“Broadband Internet access has been a significant problem for many in this district for years and I am laser focused on ensuring that every house has fast and economical Internet service. Affordable housing is in short supply, a problem that can be remedied by putting the needs of our citizens over the needs of large business interests. Healthcare is a right, not a privilege and quality healthcare should be available to all Virginians regardless of their ability to pay full price.
“I am running a lean and efficient campaign with many key campaign services donated. Still, I must raise a substantial sum to get my message to voters. If you would like to volunteer or donate, please go to my website at wendyrowdenfor19.com. Thank you very much for your support,” the released concluded.
–Submitted by Deborah Starr, Botetourt Democratic Committee