
Covid-19 Cases continue to climb in the RCAHD

Roanoke City and Alleghany Health Districts

7h  · 👉 New cases of COVID in RCAHD remain at levels significantly higher than the low numbers we saw in May/ June.

Call us for a vaccination appointment: 540-613-6597 or find a clinic at❗️ RCAHD new cases reported between 8/11-8/17: ↗️ 484

❗️ RCAHD COVID-19 cases 8/4-8/10: ↗️ 409

❗️ RCAHD COVID-19 cases 7/28-8/3: ↗️ 371 ❗️

RCAHD COVID-19 cases 7/20-7/27: ↗️ 230

– RCAHD COVID-19 average weekly cases in May/ June: 80 Situation update of local COVID-19 data, as of 8/17: