
School Board catches backlash over masks and more

Roof repairs at Lord Botetort seem to be working

The regular School Board meeting on Aug. 12 started out simple enough.

The second day of school showed the division gained over 120 new students up from last year. 29 new employees joined BCPS. New employees are still sought for cafeteria workers, a school nurse, custodians and especially bus drivers and aides. New buses have been purchased and arrived, As Dr. Jonathan Russ School Superintendent said, ” We just need someone to drive them.”

The Lord Botetourt roof has finished receiving specialized treatment to seal the roof leaks. So far so good in recent rain storms.

Mike Ketron Supervisor of CIT spoke about a career training event called Career Quest for 7 & 8 th graders from the NRV, Lynchburg, the Roanoke Valley and the Alleghany Highlands that will host 7,000 student over two days in hopes to steer kids into career paths. The event takes place in the Fall.

A large crowd of angry, often rude parents and community members took the podium mic at public comment time to chide the school board as well as give verbal abuse to Dr. Russ, the School Superintendent. They addressed the issue of an Equity Committee that has no parents, the mask mandate by Executive Order today and once again Critical Race Theory. Several made fun of board members for wearing masks at the meeting.

Botetourt had made masks optional on July 27 only to have Governor Ralph Northam use SB 1303 to have masks worn using CDC guidelines indoors on August 5. He followed up today with an Executive Order making the wearing of masks in schools a mandate by the Virginia Health Commissioner. School Boards are covered in State code as to what they can do. Weddle announced at the beginnng of the meeting State laws are out of the hands of the Botetourt County School Board.

Among topics discussed by speakers were a recall of the school board and a write-in candidate to challenge School Board Chairman Anna Leffel Weddle in the Amsterdam District. Generally it was emotional and angry. One 7th grader from Central Academy Middle School Silas Whitson, read a very professional letter demanding masks be left out of the school day. He very well could have been the calmest speaker of the night.

At the beginning of public comment a time limit was set to end the comments at 7: 37 which moved to 7:39 when a changing of deputies stationed at the meeting took place.

Thus at 7: 39pm, 12 commenters had yet to have a turn at the podium. A bit of chaos, some cursing and loud protest errupted. Chairman Weddle called for a motion to go into recess and have the boardroom cleared of all but school employees. And that is what happened.

The meeting carried on from the room clearing, with reports from the board. Buchanan Representative Michelle Austin read a letter Del. Terry Austin recieved from Education Secretary Khari about Critical Race Theory not being taught in the schools, After over 30 days neither the Governor nor Khari have answered Michelle Austin’s letter. She also spoke with members of the GOP Candidates for Gov Youngkin and Lt Gov. and awaits reply from both.

Matt East of Blue Ridge said he wrote to state Sen. Steve Newman but didn’t bring a copy to read. At the meeting end, the date of Sept. 9 was announced as the next regular meeting. The meeting then adjourned.

There is usually a replay of the Live broadcst in the archives after a few days if you want to see it for yourselves. locate Live.

–Cathy Benson, BCPS photo