
Rocky Forge Wind Farm News reported

Despite a law suit to stop the Rocky Forge Wind Farm by Citizens for Responsible Energy and 14 Botetourt and Rockbridge individuals, the project is moving forward. Apex Energy filed a counter to dismiss the suit. An April 21 hearing in Botetourt Circuit Court has been scheduled to hear Apex Energy’s request that the suit be dismissed. Environmental and property value concerns are listed in the lawsuit which also mentions the Virginia DEQ.

The proposed wind farm with 22, over 600 hundred feet tall windmills, is to be located on North Mountain a few miles Northeast of 220 Botetourt Road and north of Eagle Rock. It will be first of its kind in Virginia.

From Apex Energy:;

Rocky Forge Wind has received revised Determinations of No Hazard from the FAA for the planned turbine configuration at the maximum permitted height (including spare locations). This was the expected outcome and is great news as we progress toward formal construction of the project.

The project team expects to submit the full site plan to Botetourt county in the coming weeks. There are some reports that are being currently being finalized for inclusion in that submittal.

Tree trimming and clearing is set to begin as soon as early February for the project, which keeps us on track to begin construction this year.

The team is also excited to share that the Rocky Forge Community Grant program is currently accepting applications from non-profit groups in Botetourt County. Charitable organizations can apply online at:

“We’ve also received numerous calls from local vendors that have expressed interest in bidding their services for construction of Rocky Forge Wind. Local vendors who would like to be added to the list that will be provided to our Balance of Point contractor after selection, can do so at ‘ Said Natasha Montague from Apex.

The work and support from Botetourt County and residents throughout this process is greatly appreciated. We look forward to the ever-closer opportunity to bring the benefits of Rocky Forge Wind to Botetourt County!

Natasha Montaque with Cathy Benson, Rocky Forge Icon