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Excerpt from the Botetourt Farmers Market Annual Report

Botetourt Farmer’s Market had a stellar year despite Covid-19 restrictions. They have produced an annual report. From Grace Harwin:

We have exciting news for the Botetourt Farmers Market. We finished our 2020 season with record-breaking sales and decided to start an Annual Report for the community. I attached the annual report to this email, it is a pdf with our customer and sales numbers and commentary on the 2020 season. We are now also accepting applications for 2021 vendors. If anyone is interested in becoming a vendor they can contact Scott Harwin ( or 540-598-1485) for more information and the application.

Follow Botetourt Farmer’s Market on FB and @botetourtfarmersmaket on Instagram

Here is an excerpt from the Farmer’s Market Annual Report:

The 2020 market season consisted of a total of 26
regular season markets and 2 Holiday Markets. The
regular season started on May 2nd and had 1 weather
cancellation in August. We averaged 250 customers, 16
vendors, and $1800 in sales each Saturday. July 11th was
the highest volume Saturday with 520 customers, $4,000
in sales, and 20 vendors. Total yearly customers were
down by 3000 compared to 2019, but the sales surpassed
the previous year by over $14,000 thanks to the addition
of the Holiday Markets and early online sales.
The Holiday Markets were new this year and occurred on
November 21st and December 19th. With COVID cases
regionally increasing, the community support was
overwhelming for an outdoor, socially distant way to
shop for food and gifts for the Holidays. We totaled 979
customers and $14,399 in sales between the two Holiday

–Submitted by Grace Harwin, BFM