Botetourt Kiwanis busy even during times of Covid

KIWANIANS DISCUSS SIGNATURE PROJECTS The Botetourt Kiwanis Club met on Monday, January 4 and discussed an opportunity to apply for a Signature Project Grant from Kiwanis International. As one of the more active Kiwanis Clubs in the region, the members decided there was no shortage of possibilities, from the annual scholarship golf tournament, to the annual recycling project to the weekly recognition of local businesses.The Restaurant of the Week for the week was Little Green Hive Coffee in the Daleville Town Center and the Business of the Week was Ikenberry Orchards. Kiwanis members encourage all Botetourt residents to patronize these businesses and show support for local business owners. To be added to the Zoom call, contact Dr. Lynch at or speak to any Kiwanis member. Submitted by Ed Lynch |