roanoke City Alleghany Health District update

COVID cases continue to be very, very high. Case Investigations and Contact Tracing are prioritized according to the state criteria. Please practice caution and follow guidance carefully. Staying at home is the best way to remain safe.
RCAHD and our hospital system partners are working to deliver vaccines as they become available to our healthcare workers. Thanks to those who have responded with interest. If you know of a healthcare organization who needs information about COVID-19 vaccine, please send them here:
VDH has updated its webpage on the COVID-19 Vaccine Response to be very user friendly. Please utilize and share!
We are actively sharing information about the vaccine and other COVID-19 updates on our Facebook page!
As of Tuesday, 12/22/20 COVID-19 cases
Cumulative Roanoke City and Alleghany Health Districts: 13001 (up another 1477 since last week)
Confirmed: 11590
Probable*: 1411
Data on Confirmed Cases*:
Alleghany Health District 6881/2070 active cases
Roanoke City Health District 4705/859 active cases
By locality:
· Alleghany County 479/198 active cases
· Botetourt County 1066/238 active cases
· Covington 199/81
· Craig County 124/23
· Roanoke County 4160/1360 active cases
· Salem 853/170 active cases
People hospitalized with COVID-19, As of Monday 12/21/20:
· TOTAL: 84 (46 Alleghany Health District/ 38 Roanoke City Health District)
· NEW: 55 (29 Alleghany Health District/ 26 Roanoke City Health District)
COVID-19 related deaths, As of Tuesday 12/22/20:
211 (168 Confirmed, 43 Probable; 121 Alleghany Health District/ 90 Roanoke City Health District)
Active Outbreaks of COVID-19 in RCAHD as of Tuesday 12/22/20: 20
Still primarily long-term care and congregate living facilities
Situation Update:
Weekly regional metrics: For the week ending on 12/12/20, Near Southwest VA had high burden, substantial activity, fluctuating trend. (ALL districts are in high burden.)
School metrics: 12/21/20 (2-week incidence v. 1 week):
All remained at “Highest Risk”: Alleghany, Botetourt, Covington, Craig, Roanoke City, Roanoke County, and Salem
Support Contact Tracing Efforts
We encourage all community members to engage in contact tracing efforts. If you test positive for COVID-19, please use this form to identify and inform your close contacts:
If you are a close contact of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, please start to quarantine and stay home for 14 days after your last exposure, monitoring yourself for symptoms.
COVIDWIZE: Add your phone to the fight and download the COVIDWIZE App!
–Kristin Adkins, RCAHD Health population