Exit 150 pollinator field and roundabout to get a facelift

Exit 150 to Receive Slight Renovation
While the pollinator area is not going to go away, the mass of growing weeds and unkempt property at Exit 150 off Interstate 81 should start looking better.
A Virginia Department of Transportation official, Ray Varney, told the Board of Supervisors at the September 22, 2020 meeting that the Botetourt County Sheriff’s Office had agreed to have inmates on work detail assist in cleaning up the area around Exit 150.
The pollinator area is scheduled to be mowed and additional trees planted and some removed, Varney said. The plan for the area is being revised, but the pollinator area will remain.
The state is working to improve maintenance of the area overall but has not yet signed a contract with any company to perform this work.
— Anita Firebaugh, Special to The Botetourt Bee ***