Information Bits for Botetourt

Every so often we get bits of information either sent in or gleaned. This is a good day to catch up on some newsworthy information:
As of August 12, 2020, The Virginia Lewis and Clark Legacy Trail, Inc. was approved a tax-exempt organization by the IRS. It is in the process of reorganizing with a board structure and officers. They will serve on an interim basis until the first membership meeting occurs in the Spring of 2021. Thank you to those who have agreed to serve, and thank you again to all who helped with drafting the proposed organization’s bylaws, and to the interim treasurer, Jim Johnston, for helping with obtaining incorporated status and completing the application to become a 501 (c) (3) entity.
Stay tuned as we continue trail development and implementation along the 258 mile route from Bristol to Charlottesville with its many Lewis and Clark- connected sites, as well as in eastern and northern Virginia where other connections have been identified and other communities with probable connections are hoping can be researched in the immediate future.
The entire press release in on the FB page for The Virginia Lewis and Clark Legacy Trial. Thanks to Peggy Crosson the volunteer chair for being such a dedicated proponent of the Lewis and Clark Eastern Legacy Trail.
Susan Fain, secretary to the County Administrator, received recognition for 40 years of service to Botetourt County. Fain has served as secretary to multiple county administrators and also serves as the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Other county employees received recognition for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years of service. — Anita Firebaugh Special to The Botetourt Bee
The Botetourt County Horseman’s Association has cancelled all meetings for the remainder of 2020. Rebekah Woodie sent that in.
–Cathy Benson