Covid-19 update for Botetourt County

The current total, according to the VDH Cases of Covid-19 in Botetourt cumulative is 215 this week. Two months ago, on June 9, the county had 43 cases and 4 deaths. Today August 10, 2 months later we have 215 cases as of today, 16 total hospitalizations, (no new hospitalizations since last week) and 7 deaths, (no new deaths since last week.)
The net gain in cases from two months ago is 172 cases. There are 20 new cases since last week.
Next door in Roanoke, Del. Sam Rasoul and his family had Covid-19. He described his experience with the disease this morning on FB Live. (Sam graduated from Lord Botetourt High School, in case you did not know it.)
Check out his live video at
I found it very informative.
Dr. Molly O’Dell gives a report on Tuesdays. She is Director of Public Health for Roanoke City-Alleghany Health District. Her major message is the test turn around time is 2-14 days depending on vendor and volume of tests. Average of the past seven days by our region is moderate burden with increasing cases of Covid-19. Three long term care facilities, 2 businesses, a congregate living and a healthcare facility are the seven outbreaks in the RCAHD.
–Cathy Benson, photo VDH statistics