School Board passes more in person instruction for K-2 and School starts August 24

Responding to parents calling for change, Thebotetourt School Board viewed a third option since the passing of a school re-opening plan on June 29.
Among numerous safety measures and a change to the opening date tilAug. 24, here is the basic Plan called option 3 passed 5-0 this morning. More on the plan can be accessed through the website under school boad and board docs
●Preschool through second grade receives four days of in-person instruction and remote learning one day (Wednesday).
●Grades 3-12 receive in-person instruction two days per week and remote learning three days per week. The schedule presented in Option 2 will be followed.●
Preschool through second grade receives five days of in-person instruction beginning on the first day of the second marking period(October 19).
●Beginning on the first Wednesday of the second marking period (October 21), grades 3-12 will continue with the hybrid scheduleand alternate Wednesdays in-person as designated on the A/B calendar.
● receive in-person instruction three days per week and remote learning two days per week,Group A and Group B Transportation is provided; however, parents are asked to transport students to the greatest extent possible.
The Botetourt County Board of Supervisors approved CARES Act funds to buy more Chromebooks for Grades 5-12 and more for check out by grades 3 and 4.
–Cathy Benson