
Little Free Libraries in Botetourt and beyond are community builders

Little Fee libraries are located through out the nation. We have several here in Botetourt and one next door in Catawba and a greater number in Roanoke Valley. If googled a map comes up with all of the locations.  Central Academy has a similar little school library on their front porch.

In Botetourt you can find them at Buchanan Elementary parking lot near the sports field, Eagle Roack in the Community Center Parking lot, Fincastle in front of Rob Hagan’s attorney at law office and Lake Forest parking lot in the Blue Ridge area. In Catawba the box is located in Keffer’s old store parking lot. 

These are little gems for communities and in the days of Covid-19 an easy place to grab a quick read.

From their website:

“Little Free Library is a nonprofit organization that inspires a love of reading, builds community, and sparks creativity by fostering neighborhood book exchanges around the world.

Through Little Free Library book exchanges, millions of books are exchanged each year, profoundly increasing access to books for readers of all ages and backgrounds.”

The Botetourt Bee got involved because one of our readers noticed the dwindling books in a time when children need them most. Since the building of community is one of The Botetourt Bee’s missions, it seemed the right fit for a community project. In all we placed 210 books in 16 little free libraries including the Botetourt sites, Catawba and many in the Roanoke Valley. We solicited friends and readers  to donate books.  

The  idea is if you take a book, leave one. The children’s books section had dwindled in them! They have been recently refilled by us through kind donations from multiple contributors who answered our call for donations. A tip of the hat to Todd Wampler and Jessica Wood at Century 21 Wampler Realty for being a drop-off place  for books. 

If you need something to read, go grab a quick free book for you or your children. Just stop by and take a book and leave one in its place.

And if you don’t have a book,to leave, take one anyway!

— Story and photos Cathy Benson