Read Mountain Fire and Rescue station is re-dedicated to Botetourt County ownership

Botetourt County Fire and EMS took over the ownership of the Read Mountain Fire and EMS station last week with a re-dedication ceremony. The Board of Supervisors at Botetourt and Roanoke County approved the move this spring.
In our previous story by Anita Firebaugh in late May, we noted: The previous 30-year-old agreement maintained the station as a joint facility. The new agreement transfers ownership and fiscal responsibility to Botetourt County.
Roanoke, however, will maintain a presence at the station,’ Roanoke County will however, pay $20K per year to Botetourt and have a presence at the station
The station was built many years ago as a joint effort by Roanoke and Botetourt and has served the populated surrounding area of both under the joint efforts. The station continues to serve both counties in the Read Mountain area.
–Cathy Benson photos by Botetourt County Fire and EMS