School Summer Athletics Health plan is lengthy

The school summer athletics health plan presented on Monday, June 29th to the school board is nine pages long and very detailed. Julie Baker Supervisor of SPED and Human Resources presented the plan. In its entirety, it can be found here:
Some of the highlights include:
All Secondary level Building Administrators and Athletic directors will jointly oversee the athletic pandemic plan formulated in coordination with the Roanoke City Alleghany Health Distric, VDH, CDC guidelines for Covid-19 and Julie Baker will be the respondent for all information.
The building Principals and AD’s are:
Central AcademyMiddle School Tim McClung 540-473- 8333,
Amanda Collins 540-473-8333
Read Mountain Middle School Beth Mast 540-966-8655,
Stacey Jones 540-966-8655,
James River High School Lisa Taylor540-254-1121, Vincent Wyatt 540-254-1121
Lord BotetourtHigh School Andy Dewease 540-992-1261 Chuck Pound 540-992-1261,
All students participating in summer athletic activities (individual practices, team-based practices, skill-building drills, and conditioning) must complete self-screening questions contained in the BCPS Student Screening for COVID-19 form before reporting to practice each day.
All athletes will be required to sign in upon arrival for any athletic activities and certify completion of the screening indicating the athlete is symptom-free.
.Temperature checks will be conducted at the school sites upon arrival.
Absenteeism: School administrators will designate school personnel to monitor student and staff absences. Parents will be asked to communicate with school points of contact to report absences to scheduled athletic activities related to illness
Orientation and training for staff and students specific to new COVID-19 mitigation strategies:
New policies, practices, and procedures will be communicated with staff, parents, and students. Policies, practices, and procedures will be posted on the division website. School Messenger, emails, and/or letters will be used to ensure parents and students receive information on COVID-19 mitigation strategies.
Prior to engaging in athletic activities on school sites, all coaching staff and volunteers will participate in a training session on COVID-19 mitigation strategies aligned with CDCguidance. Staff will train all student-athletes prior to beginning athletic activities. Thefollowing topics will be included in the training. BOTETOURT COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLSCOVID-19 HEALTH PLAN
Summer Athletic Activities
.Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19 and how it spreads. Cough and sneeze etiquettec.
Hand hygiene practices include washing the hands and hand sanitizers.
Physical distancing requirements, including while participating in athletic eventse.
Use of cloth face coverings
Daily health screenings procedures
Procedures to follow if staff, students, or volunteers come from the CDC, VDH and are reported to Julie Baker.
Students will not be using the locker room, but should arrive dressed and ready for temperature screen. Bathrooms will be used following the strict guidelines set forth by the CDC.
There is plenty more so click here to read the rest.
–Cathy Benson and BCPS website