Letter to citizens of Botetourt Co about seriousness of Covid-19 here from county officials

Dear Community Members and Friends of Botetourt
During these uncertain times of a public health emergency, we wanted to share some important information with you, our citizens and visitors of this great community. Botetourt County has been no stranger to the spread of COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus. Almost three weeks ago, the first positive case in the County and the region was identified in Botetourt by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH). Since that time, a total of 20 positive cases have been confirmed in the County as of today. We understand, however, that the limited testing and the lag of test results likely means that there are more actual cases in the County than the officially reported number. It is important to note that we share this information with you so that you have the facts and understand the reality of this being in our community. It is important to note that we share this information with you so that you have the facts and understand the reality of this being in our community. The intent is not to create greater concern or fear because we should all be treating this seriously.
This invisible threat is real.
As a community, we continue to push forward to respond to, mitigate, and recover from the effects of this pandemic. We want you to know that you have a strong team of local government, schools, and public safety officials working around the clock to protect your best interests and doing the best we can to help Stop the Spread. In order to do this, we need your help. While there have been federal and state directives and executive orders issued, we need a more local Call to Action to affirm the need for social distancing, proper handwashing, and other initiatives.
Call to Action:
· Practice Social Distancing – Please do your part and limit unnecessary social interaction. We know that it is getting warmer outside and can appreciate the need for sunshine and fresh air, but please do this in a socially distant manner. It is not ok to be playing team sports or congregating in groups (even if less than 10) in close proximity to one another. If you are not out for essential needs (medications, groceries, necessary medical appointments), then DO YOUR PART AND STAY AT HOME!
· If You Are Sick, Stay Home – It is important for people to recognize the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 as well as other common colds and allergies. The best practice during this time of community spread is to stay home if you are sick. · Wash Your Hands – Frequent washing with soap for at least 20 seconds or using an alcoholbased hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol to prevent the spread of germs.
Call 911 only in the event of emergencies. If you are in need of non-emergent assistance, you can contact the non-emergency number to our dispatch center at 540-473-8631. If you have questions about the coronavirus, you can contact the VDH Alleghany District information call center at 1-855-949-8378. We want you to know that, as officials responsible for the safety and well-being of everyone in Botetourt County, we take this very seriously.
We are in constant contact with our towns, long-term care and congregate facilities, and regional and state partners. The Roanoke City and Alleghany Health Districts’ Director of Communicable Disease Control Dr. Molly O’Dell has been an amazing wealth of scientific-based information as we work through this pandemic event.
We will do our very best to continue to respond to this pandemic and increase protective measures, as appropriate, based off of the science and facts provided from the public health section of VDH. Please help us help you by doing your part to flatten the curve! It will take each of us sacrificing many of our social norms in order to cease the spread of this serious virus. We know that Botetourt is a strong community, and we will achieve success together. For more information, please visit www.botetourtva.gov and go under Quicklinks to find a link to our COVID-19 page. For information related to the public schools, please visit www.bcps.k12.va.us and go to the link to the COVID-19 website at the top of the page.
Thank you for your consideration and cooperation through these trying times. Together, we are stronger; together, we will prevail! May God bless Botetourt, and may you and your family be safe and healthy,
Gary Larrowe
Botetourt County Administrator
Dr. Lisa Chen
Botetourt County School Superintendent
If you were doing all you can to prevent the spread of this virus, you would close the Food Lion and Kroger stores . Put a limit on the hours and the number of people that can enter. Give everyone a ticket and prevent repeat entries.
We cannot purchase what we need because of the traffic in these stores. If you would allow only one visit a week the store would have time to restock and we would have a chance to purchase what we need
My son works at Carilion Hospital and cleans on his floor.He is not near the floor that COVID-19 patients are.My concern is him being in the hospital.I try and wipe down everything when he comes home,he takes his uniform,and rest of clothes off and puts them in the washing machine and showers.Is there anything else I should do. My husband is 81 with COPD, I am 74 with diabetes.I Am concerned.
I am with you, my dear reader. It is a scary time. When I see parking lots packed and people standing in groups, I know we have a problem with our citizens getting what is going on with this disease. Then I read posts of conspiracy theories from people I thought had good sense and know that is part of the problem as well.
Stay Home.
You have to wait on a higher power to control this. The Two grocery chains and or the Governor have to make such calls.