
Tax Assessments on Botetourt real estate average 9.32%

Gary Eanes Spoke to the new real estate tax assessment.

According to Assessor Gary Eanes of Wampler-Eanes who spoke to the Botetourt Board of Supervisors on Jan. 28, the average assessment increase in Botetourt County was 9.32 %. Assessments are based on home sales study over a four year period. Assessments a mandated by the State of Virginia, not the locality.

Assessments are every four years here in Botetourt. In comparison, in Roanoke County and Roanoke City, the average is 3.3 % with an assessment every year.

Eanes said they are currently taking equalization comments for the next two weeks at Greenfield Technology and Education Center. If you want to have an assessment challenged, call the number in the assessment which were mailed out in the past two weeks or the Commissioner of Revenue’s Office.

–Story and photo by Cathy Benson