“Grow Your Knowledge to Grow Your Farm” by Farm Credit is Feb 3

Farm Credit Knowledge Center, the educational arm of the cooperative lending institution, Farm Credit of the Virginias, recently announced they would host a free event in Daleville, Virginia, on Monday, February 3, 2020 from 9 AM to 3 PM at the Greenfield Education and Training Center. The event is geared toward educating area farmers on the tools and resources at their disposal, whether they are looking to start, grow, or diversify their farm.
The educational event titled, “Grow Your Knowledge to Grow Your Farm,” is a partnership between Farm Credit of the Virginias, the Farm Credit Knowledge Center, and the Botetourt Economic Development Office. Participants will have the opportunity to hear from industry experts on local resources available to them through organizations including the Virginia Cooperative Extension, Farm Service Agency, Soil and Water Conservation District, and Natural Resources and Conservation Services.
To reserve your seat, register online on EventBrite (http://bit.ly/36uthZS) or call your local branch office at 1 (800) 919-3276 (FARM).
About Farm Credit of the Virginias
Farm Credit of the Virginias provides over $1.8 billion dollars in financing to more than 11,000 farmers, agribusinesses and rural homeowners throughout Virginia, West Virginia and western Maryland. Farm Credit is a cooperative capitalized largely through investments made by farmers, ranchers and the rural homeowners and businesses that borrow from them. In fact, as part of a nationwide network they are the largest single provider of agricultural credit in the United States and have been for over 100 years. Farm Credit helps maintain and improve the quality of life in rural America and on the farm through its constant commitment to competitive lending, expert financial services and for facilitating and sharing knowledge and resources through the Farm Credit Knowledge Center. For more information, visit www.FarmCreditKnowledgeCenter.com or www.FarmCreditofVirginias.com
submitted by Farm Creditof Virginias. Photo by The Botetourt Bee
Unfortunately, this program will be postponed until this fall. The date will be published at a later time. Farm Credit of the Virginia’s- Roanoke