School Board meeting Highlights from Jan. 16

A new day dawned with three new school board members at the regular meeting of the Botetourt County School Board on Jan. 16. They are Dana McCaleb, Matt East and Tim Davidick. Michelle Crook is the new cahir and Anna Weddle Vice Chair.
The new Colonial Elementary School is going well in spite of the weather. Two things Project manager Jim Whitten said, “Our contractor G and H, is laying 1,500 blocks per day as they build out from back to front… The new building should be under roof in a couple of weeks.”
The 2020-21 calendar has been approved. School begins on Aug. 11 2020 and ends on May 25, 2021.
E Sports a computer video game competitive team sponsored by the VHSL has tryouts with over 110 students from both high schools next week.
The snow routes were success ful on Jan 8 for the school’s transportation dept.
Evalualtion forms for BCPS classified and non classified emloyees are being revamped. A committee with faculty administrators staff and the BEA has formed to rethink the evaulation process. “The evaluation process has not bee done since 2011,” said Dr. Lisa Chen the school superintendent.
Contracts for three repairs and changes were awarded for theJames River track drainage, doors at Cloverdale Elemetary School for Safe Schools and Tiles for bathroom floors at James River High School.
Budget workshop statrts next week. The governor sent preliminary igures and out line for the next bi-annum. Too soon to report any lasting details.
Botetourt County transports 3820 students by bus and 124 by special education buses every morning.
As of Jan. 2020, the number of students in the school buildings in division are 4,979. The daily attendance rate is in the high 90s percentile.
Next reg. meeting is Feb. 13, 2020