
Thanksgiving Blessings

Tis the Season to Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is the one day a year that friends and family gather to share and give thanks for the many blessings in life. With all the pomp and circumstance, tradition, and a feast fit for a king, families fellowship and catch up on what is happening in each other’s lives. If you’re lucky, the day is full of laughter, hugs and cheer.

Amidst the chaos of the day there are genuine re-connections – the uncle you haven’t seen in a year, a sibling that lives out of state, or maybe a family member serving in the military who comes home for some turkey and dressing. Hopefully, your Thanksgiving celebration is such a special time that it causes you to step back from the table and just smile at the beauty of having loved ones to share the holiday with.

No matter how you choose to give thanks and who you choose to share it with, take a moment and recognize all the blessings you have received this year. Take a moment to reminisce on the beauty of life and the lessons learned. Cherish the time with loved ones because you never know what another year can bring. Give thanks for beautiful friendships and for those whose path crossed yours even for just a moment in time. And above all else, put aside differences and choose to love one another. 

From the Flints, we wish you love, joy and countless blessings this Thanksgiving.

–Robyn Flint, Special to The Botetourt Bee