
Happy Thanksgiving from New Freedom Farm

New Freedom Farm is expecting 212 guests for Thanksgiving Dinner this year. “The diners will be in the horse barn as well as an added tent,” noted Executive Director Lois Fritz.

As the horses, donkeys and mule munched hay in their paddocks on a sunny, November morning, preparations were under way for the 4th annual Thanksgiving dinner. Veterans were steady on tasks that included unloading and setting up tables and chairs, adding festive tablecloths and getting ready for the big meal set-up.

Through the use of horses, Veterans are able to get assistance with PTSD and other service related situations that may affect their mental and physical well being. New Freedom Farm is located at the hub of Rt 11 ie Lee Highway and Lithia Rd.

New Freedom Farm is a not for profit, 501 C . Please consider giving in your year-end contributions.