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Botetourt passes 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County resolution

Billy Martin reads a tougher resolution to the attendees over 200 who came to the support the 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County Resolution.

After 30 speakers and a few remarks, Botetourt’s Board of Supervisors unanimously passed the 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Resoultion. It is to be sent on to the General Assembly and Governor. The newly elected General Assembly and Governorship all belong to the Democrats. The House of Delegates in the General Assembly has already introduced bills, that if that passed, could make owning certain kinds of firearms a felony.

That did not sit well with many law abiding gun owners in the county. Thus they worked to get the Sanctuary Resolution in front of the board.

Col.Todd Dodson, USA, Ret. spoke to all of the 15 counties and likely more, that have passed or will pass similar resolutions “To stand together and fight.”

Local winery owner, Barbara Kolb said, for women who can be smaller and weaker than an assailant, “A gun can be an equalizer.”

Only Del. Chris Head of state elected officials, showed up to support the Resolution for his constituents in Botetourt County.

County Attorney Mike Lockerby explained that Virginia is a Dillon Rule state and the Virginia Code Firearms Pre-emption VA Code 15. 2915 prevents local governements from changing state laws on guns, ammunition, etc. So the Resolution is symbolic in the sense of the code. But it is a statement to the newly elected majority in Richmond, that Botetourt along with the other Sanctuary Counties, are ready to fight for their constitutional rights.


All five supervisors agreed with the speakers who came to the meeting. Many of the speakers are pillars in the community, former law enforcement, government officials and more. All are voters and very serious about the issue. Said Buchanan Supervisor Ray Sloan of Buchanan, “I concur with the resolution and Dr. Bailey’s statement of support of the 2nd Amendment and this resolution. I am voting what my Buchanan constituents want me to do.”

All five heard their constiuents loud an clear.

For the Botetourt citizen there this day, it was a battle to keep their guns in a fight just beginning.

Editor’s Note:

The right to bear arms is a guarenteed in the United States Constitution in the 2nd Amendment. Ultimately any gun laws passed by the Virginia General Assembly and signed by the Governor Ralph Northram could be brought out by legal action, as a violation of the US Constitution. With much certainty, if not struck down in state court, and they made it through to be heard in front of a 2nd Amendment favorable Supreme Court, the chances are very good the gun control laws would be struck down.

The meantime between passage and that court scenario, would be long and costly.

–Cathy Benson

Story and Photos by Cathy Benson