
CAMS art students are the tops!

The galler of photos here on The Botetourt Bee depict some great Art work. The Central Academy 8th grade Masterpiece Studio and Beyond the Brush students have completed the most beautiful paintings and in an interesting way. The Art Teacher, Courtney May explained the form of Art that incorporates cross curriculmn studies into Art class.

May said, “These are a form of art that brings together science and math. This type of art is called grid drawing. Students create a grid over their original picture and use it as a guide to recreate the image on a much larger scale. Students work diligently to recreate the image one small square at a time.” They are amazing works of Art!

The first group photo in order are back row left to right: Braylin Snider, Kate Furry, J.J. Halstead, DeAnna Draper, Emma Bobbitt, front row left to right: Lily Waddell, Jaden Kitt Angelica Marley, Elle Lackey, Lydia Dunbar, Sara McFadyen

Second group photo back row Timothy Hight, Abbie Wilson, Makayla Petty, Drew Whitson, Jackson Taylor, middle row: Klayden Downey, Gracelyn Stump, Grace, Natalie Lemon, front row: Vianey- Ramirez Bautista, Abigail Ward, Liliana Bolling, Elle Norris, Hannah Hall

Individual students with their art are: Dog – Emma Bobbitt, Car- E.J. Shumate, and Fower -Sara McFayden.

Congratulations on this wonderful project!

–Courtney May and Cathy Benson