Letter of Support for Dana McCaleb for Fincastle school board from a voting high school senior

Dear Readers,
With the upcoming election, you may realize that there are several candidates running for the Fincastle seat on the school board. The obvious choice for me is evident. I will be voting for Dana McCaleb.
Unlike other writers, I am an 18-year-old high school senior. I know what students need because I am one. Dana McCaleb has a focus on what the students need because she was a teacher at James River and saw the direct struggles and benefits of being in a classroom. When thinking about this election, the budget is important, but the direct needs of the students are much more crucial.
Dana has never lost her connection to kids. I have had multiple concerns in classes that I’ve taken in the past few years and I see a need for change. If Dana were on the school board, I would feel comfortable going to her to express my concerns because she was a former teacher and is relatable to students. As a student, I feel that other members are intimidating and wouldn’t hear my voice. Dana would.
In seeing a need for change, I feel that I could talk to Dana to help make things better for students who follow in my footsteps. On Election Day, I strongly encourage you to vote for Dana McCaleb because, in the end, it’s all about the students. Without the students there would be no school board.
Colin Tickner, Fincastle, –JRHS Class of 2020