James RiverMusicNewsSchools

James River Band readies for Fall season!

The James River band has CAMS students, too

Kevin English, the James River High School band director said, “Our show this year is “Time after Time” selections include Clocks by Coldplay, Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper, and Chiming of the Hour by Luke McMillan. ” The band will play the show during half time at home football games and at a series of competitions.

First Row: Mackenzie Seebo, Mr. English 

Second Row: Elizabeth Davis, Alex Davis, Jacy Murat, Kaylene Elliott , Will Murray, Tim Wilson

Third Row: Bailey Daniels, Ben Rice, Hannah Falls, Savannah Johnson, Madeline Stull, Jaelynn Lash, Zoie Reece, Georgia Honts 

Fourth Row: Silas Miller, Ethan Spickard, Lucas Waid, Andrew Fox, Camden Staton, Shannon Filer, Macy Williams

Fifth Row: William Johnson, Iain MacFarlane, Seth Spickard, Iain Graff, McKenzie Post, David Merritt

Sixth Row: Colby Sluss, Hunter Sluss 

Seventh Row: Riley Potter, Rachel Zerumsky, Carmen Sheppard, Adaline Bisese, Cheyenne Forson, Paige Fitzgerald, Shannon Forson

Missing:Grayson Preece

— Kevin English submitted photo from JRHS