Botetourt County Community Health plan’s top three choices

The Botetourt County Health Steering Committee spent the past year getting data, surveying residents, holding focus groups and community meetings to get to the top three health concerns that were selected by county citizens who participated. The health launch meetings began in early summer to determine the top three from a selection of 14.
“The goal is to make Botetourt County the healthiest county in Virginia,” said Kristin Adkins of the VA Dept. of Health and one of the leaders along with Dr. Stephanie Harper Director of the Roanoke and Alleghany Health Districts who facilitates the steering committee. There are numerous community leaders and health advocates from Botetourt County serving on the Steering Committee.
After reviewing data and prioritizing 50 health topics down to 14, the public reviewed the 14 topics and after the four health meetings, chose the top three concerns.
The top three health concerns are:
Aging in Place and Transportation aimed at residents 65+
Affordable Childcare for ages 0-5
Youth Risky Behaviors for ages 11-18
Obesity came in a close fourth.
The community group of interestd citizens assembled at Fincastle Libray on Monday, August 19 looked at it in there assessment of strengths and assests already in place for the county. One thing came out in the meeting from Eagle Rock. They need more services. Said Donna Vaughn of the Eagle Rock Ruritan Club, “It has not been the same here since the Flood of 1985.”
“Aging in place and availability of transportation is much less available for services in the Northern and more rural areas of the county,” she said
Some of the assests mentioned were the YMCA, LOA, Church and civic groups, Botetourt County Parks and Recreation, Blue Ridge Behavioral Health Care, Social Services, VA Dept. of Health, Botetourt County Health Dept and Mill Creek Childcare Center.
Three meetings will be held on Sept 9, 16 and 30, where each of the three health topics will be discussed for an implementation plan. Goals to accomplish and to improve current situations and to aid Botetourt County citizens will be the focal point of the meetings. These steps will launch the three selections into improved general health of Botetourt County in the three areas.
Story and photo by Cathy Benson