
The Music Man at the Attic Theater: Review gives two thumbs up!

Two more weekends Thurs. -Sat. Call for tickets.

The Music Man

Musical now running at Attic Theater

The wonderful folks who put on Attic’s plays have a major triumph with The Music Man. Director Sally Miller, Music Director William Lininger, plus choreographers Will Smith and Caitlin Smith, have led a near professional presentation. You would be hard pressed to find better singing or acting anywhere else.

Brynn Scozzari and Brandon Mock did superb work at as the two leads, Marian The Librarian and Professor Hill. The huge cast kept up the spirit with their singing and dancing. And let’s not forget the nonspeaking role played by Eulalie’s hats, worn by the speaking Traci Basham Addison. Her hats deserve a special tribute, both for their looks and for staying on for hours.

Do not miss the treat of going to see this Music Man while it lasts. You will have a splendid evening and gain lots of fond memories.

Call for Tickets. 540-473-6401 Thurs – Sat. 7:30 all three nights. Matimee Sat at 2:30n

by Priscilla Richardson, the Botetourt Bee’s theater critic